Panta Rei |
"He has a real skill for embracing nature and writing about it eloquently without descending into preachy diatribe."
Jodi DeLong Halifax Chronicle Herald February 6, 2005 "I got fully absorbed in the quiet day-to-day routines: the porridge and tea every morning, the wood chopping, the tromps through the snow, the cribbage games every evening by the fire." Patrick Donohue Dilettante's Diary November 4, 2005 "'s a helluva read, it's lovely, it's an oh-so-Canadian book..." Peter Warren CKNW, Vancouver June 19, 2005 |
"There are plenty of adventures, surprises and humility in this easy read. If you ever dreamed of packing up a toboggan, strapping on snowshoes and heading out across the ice, here's a story for you."
Brian Back "In the guise of a pair of intertwined travelogues, Bondrup-Nielsen explores the human relationship to the environment. His deep understanding of why species interact the way they do, and how seasons structure the wilderness, contrasts with his struggle to understand man-in-nature. The result is a fascinating and enjoyable read." Brian Starzomski Biodiversity Research Centre University of British Columbia |
Res Telluris ISBN 978-0-9736321-1-9 © 2007 - 287 pages |
"I was hooked..."
Amy Reiswig, Danforth Review "...funny, energetic, eccentric..." John Mutford, Northern News Services "...when Zipp allows the unusual features of this region to unfold their own story, the novel is fascinating." Aritha van Herk, Books in Canada "...a clever, distinctly postmodern novel that pelts along at quite a pace." Gillian Harding-Russell, Prairie Fire "...a witty and, at times, absurd satire on Yellowknife and the north...." Jonquil Covello, Canadian Literature "Consider me gobsmacked. What a terrific novel." Corey Redekop, Award-winning author of Shelf Monkey "A rip-roaring adventure...with more characters and plot curveballs than several books combined." Up here magazine, June 2010 |
"...hands down -- the best book I’ve read this year." She Reads Books, " matter how great the characters and storyline are, the truly outstanding aspect of Yellowknife is the writing." Book Zombie, "At its most accessible, the novel is a hilarious satire, silly and absurd, but signs are scattered throughout the text indicating something deep down and more profound..." Pickle Me This, "It never ceases to amaze me how such good books can escape wider attention." John Miedema, "Zipp is blood brother to Tom Robbins." Brown Paper, |
Res Telluris ISBN 978-0-9736321-2-5 © 2008 - 166 PAGES 80 B&W illustrations 61 B&W photos |
"This book should be mandatory reading for all Maritime politicians, as well as for senior bureaucrats in the provincial departments of Natural Resources and Environment. A copy should be available as reference material for junior and senior high students or for a course on sustainability in universities. It is a "must read" for all private woodlot owners in the region, and any Maritimer who is interested in sustainable forestry practices and in restoring our forests to their former glory."
Einar Christensen The NovaScotian, Jan. 24, 2010 "Woodlot owners who are interested in rehabilitating their woodlot to a more diverse and resistant Acadian forest will find this book indispensable." David Coon EcoAlert, Spring 2009 "The book is clearly written and does not become bogged down in highly technical discussions. When it introduces new concepts, it explains them in ways most woodlot owners should be able to understand." Mitch Lansky Atlantic Forestry Revie, May 2009 "This is an excellent book by an author who is both knowledgeable and able to express himself eloquently in word form." Bill & Heidi Ross Woodlot owners |
"Easy to read, informative, moves along nicely and should be very helpful to woodlot owners wanting to try a different approach to managing their forest. It should also be of interest to field naturalists and those people who simply enjoy getting out in nature and learning more about our natural world."
Harold Clapp Retired silviculture contractor & woodlot owner "The book showed me how much our forests have become depleted over the years, and how to prevent my woodlot from becoming another one of these sad stories." Ryan MacBride Woodlot owner "We thought the book very useful and extremely informative. It gives a wide range of good information that we can use as the basis of making decisions about our woodlots." Sylvia Moore & Doug Potter Woodlot owners "It is so refreshing and encouraging to read a book such as this which promotes a pride in ownership and gives an insight into how to make the land the best that it can naturally be." Jim Rowter Woodlot owner |