Pittoello, G.
1991 White-tailed deer in Nova Scotia: winter habitat use and lure crops.
- Presently working for Dept. of Natural
Resources in New Brunswick
J.A. 1992 Macrohabitats and microhabitats of small mammals in a dynamic
forest mosaic in southwestern Nova Scotia.
- Presently the
Wildlife Biologist for CANFOR, B.C.
Foley, P.M. 1992 Long-term effects
of malnutrition on reproduction in a laboratory colony of Clethrionomysgapperi.
- Veterinarian on
Parsons, G. 1994.
Predator scent and spacing behaviour of meadow voles.
-Works for NS DNR.
Patterson, B.
1995 The ecology of the eastern coyote in Kejimkujik National Park, N.S.
- PHd from Univ.
Saskatchewan. Wildlife Biologist
Basquill, Sean. 1996 Functional boundaries
for meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) living in a farm landscape.
- working for Parks
MacDonald B. 1996. (Shared with T.
Herman) Spatial distribution, survivorship and effects of forest harvesting on
over wintering white-tailed deer in Nova Scotia.
- wildlife biologist in
North-west Territories.
Lock, B. 1997.
(Shared with T. Herman) Deer wintering habitat models for two regions of Nova
- forestry/wildlife
position STORA, Nova Scotia
Alcorn, E. 1997 Acadia forest
stewards: a literature critique, book composition, and validation of the book
concerning forest ecology and forest management in Nova Scotia.
Bourgeois, M.
1997 An examination of two unconventional methods to assess resource use by two
New Brunswick Forest mammals: The marten and the northern flying squirrel.
Kehler, D.
1997 The effect of spatial scale on measuring spatial isolation and predicting
the incidence of a beetle parasite and its fungal host in continuous and
fragmented landscapes.
- PhD at Dalhousie
Mills, J.
1997 Habitat use and reproduction of female ring-necked pheasants in eastern
Kings County, Nova Scotia.
- Biologist, Dept.
Natural Resources, N.S.
Cameron, Rob 1998 Effects of forest
management practices on forest structure and selected epiphytic lichens in Nova
- private consultant
Teichert, Sonja 1999. Habitat use
and population spatial structure of the forked fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus Panzer.
Colville, David
1999 Student at School of Resource and Environmental Science, Dalhousie
University. Title: Ecological landscape analysis: A GIS-based tool fordefining natural landscape units
2000 Experimental analysis of movement dynamics of the forked
fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus Panzer (Tenebrionidae), with
particular reference to age and sex.
Chamberland, Paul.
2000 Black Bear (Ursus americanus) habitat ecology as related to apects
of forest management in southern New Brunswick.
McKnight, Julie
L. 2001 Predator and prey population dynamics and distribution: Effects of
predation and competition.
Chaulk, Keith
2001. Black bears (Ursus
americanus) in Northeastern Labrador.
Honours Students Supervised
McKiggan, H. C.1990.
The effect of protein deficiency on the reproduction of white
mice: implications for the
population cycles of microtine rodents.
- received NSERC
1967 scholarship, PhD in Scotland
Wong, K.L.1991.The
long-term effects of protein-malnutrition on the behaviour
of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus,
Powell, E. A.1992.A
preliminary investigation of the effects of increased forage
effort on change in body weight, survival and reproduction in a
laboratory colony of red-backed voles, Clethrionomys gapperi.
- MSc at Acadia
Nichols, R.1993.
Effect of testosterone on emigration tendency of meadow voles,
Microtus pennsylvanicus.
- MSc at MUN
Cook, J.1993.
The eastern coyote in Nova Scotia: Sheep predation and
morphological variability
- MSc at Waterloo, NSERC scholarship
Zharikov, Y.1994.
Predation on eggs and chicks of the Piping Plover (Charadrius melodius) in Kejimkujik National
Park, Seaside Adjunct.
- MSc at Trent University
- PhD, Australia
Currie, N.1995Can
natal dispersal of Microtus
pennsylvanicus (Ord.) be
predicted from behaviour profiles?
Broders, H.1995An
analysis and evaluation of methods used to determine coyote
(Canis latrans) movements in relation
to resourse use.
- MSc, University
of New Brunswick
Corkum, C.1996Habitat
variables structuring flying forest Coleopteran
communities in Nova Scotia.
- MSc Univ. of
Barlow, J.
1996. Population attributes, habitat characteristics and spatial dynamics
of the forked fungus beetle Bolitotherus cornutus (Panzer).
Bishop, L.1996. Beetle communities of carrion habitat in a fragmented
forest and
agricultural landscape in Nova Scotia.
-MSc, Carleton
Trich. 1997. Movement rates as an indicator of dispersal potential in the
forked fungus beetle, Bolitotherus cornutus.
- MSc, Univ. of
Potter, Karen
1997. Beetle communities in managed softwood forests
McPhee, Jan
1997. An examination of a new sampling method for lichens.
- MSc, University
ob B.C.
Simpson, Jamie
1997. Forest Stewardship Council's forest certification: Regional
considerations fro Charlotte County, New Brunswick and a proposal for
- MSc, University
of New Brunswick
Brannen, D.C.1997. Population dynamics of the Eastern
Coyote (Canis latrans) in
Nova Scotia.
- MSc Acadia
Callaghan, R.
1999. A Critique of Ecofeminism
Kindred, Kerry
2000. Environmental education: Curriculum development for a